Projects & Dates
September 1-28
Stock Market Project - Internet Use & Resources
In this
technology project you will use the Internet as a resource for learning how
you can build wealth through investing in public corporations that offer security
in their companies through ownership of stock. Students will use on-line resources
to research companies financial information, look up ticker symbols, analyze
competitors, build an on-line portfolio, and learn to risk-avoidance tactics
to maximize your chance for profit. The final project will include the online
portfolio and a multimedia presentation in Powerpoint. Students will learn basic
graphic creation and enhancement in Adobe Photoshop.
Project Overview / Vocabulary / How to determine Annual Sales Increases / Annual Sales Worksheets / Portfolio Grading
October 1-26
Personal Portfolio Web Page authoring and Photoshop
learn HTML coding, file formatting, and advanced graphic techniques during this
three-stage project. Students begin working with .jpg and .gif graphics, manipulating
them through Adobe Photoshop to make them web ready. Then basic HTML is taught
alongside the program Dreamweaver by Macromedia. Students use scanners and digital
cameras to create unique artwork and graphics for their electronic learning
portfolio. As the semester progresses, students create their complete personal
portfolio: a personal mission statement, resume, samples of education work,
and samples of personal interests.
October 29- Nov. 9
Advanced Internet Use, Boolean & Citations
This project teaches advanced web searching skills, Boolean Operators, and educational research sites, and proper web-citing techniques through a project in which students research various aspects of their culture. Students learn the importance of good word choice within Internet searching and how to compose a proper search string (or collection of words use for searching with). Students are introduced to Boolean operators to expand or restrict searching and master the use of education databases provided by the Alaska State Database Initiative. Key in good searching is the ability to discern truth from lies on the Internet and evaluating reliability of websites. Students are required to evaluate and understand the difference between proven fact and opinion. The final activity is a perfect list of properly cited annotated bibliography of online resources regarding their culture.
/ Search Assignment #1
Annotated Bibliography
Sample Quiz Review
Nov. 12-Dec. 20
Personal Portfolio, JAVA and web animations
Students delve deeper into HTML using animated GIFs, and JAVA scripts to and unique and creative twists to their web pages.